This is the start of our second week up at Lakeview...So far, it's been mostly work, with very little play. We cleaned several cabins that had an "off" turnover (meaning they missed the housekeepers' normal rounds so we got to do the cleaning) and we got guests checked out and in. Today was our pancake breakfast and we had a great time getting to know our new campers! There are a ton of kids for Tyler to play with, which is great for me!
I was the "head chef" for our pancake breakfast!
Unfortunately, I think this is going to be our last year of sink baths since he's getting too big for it
We also have a budding photographer on our hands. Now, if anyone has ever handed a camera to a 2 year old, you know that the typical range of vision is between the knees and the armpits of an adult. (Thank heavens for digital so we don't have to develop all these pictures!) Since I didn't want all the pictures of me to look like this:
I decided to scrunch down to actually make it into the picture...
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