19 January 2009

Eagle Networks and Citrus Systems Has OPENED for business...

Mmm...Doesn't that just make your taste buds sit up and say, "Howdy!"??? This Saturday afternoon, Dad, Tyler and I did a little bit of orange picking...

Yeah, see how tall that ladder is? It broke...and he fell...oops! Dad was trying to give us a hard time because he fell 6 feet out of the tree, but Mom's 'sympathy' line was, "You didn't call us to tell us you had fallen and couldn't get up..."

Tyler has been practicing his tree climbing skills (which he apparently discovered while he was at his dad's house....(thanks Doug!))...He's actually quite good, but have you ever been inside and orange tree? There are some wicked sharp twigs in there and he kept scratching his face...
We also got to make use of our 'farm equipment' which was purchased for the express purpose of carting oranges to and fro, but we really all know it was purchased for this reason:


JHNickodemus said...

Wow! Fun!

Live a Colorful Life said...

I'm definitely ready for some oranges. They taste GREAT and, oh yeah, they are the PERFECT color!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a big operation. Your Mom sounds kinda unsympathetic.... or mean.