09 September 2013


Ok, so this whole exciting event in my life happened several months ago, but I've finally gotten all my pictures in the same place and am able to post about what happened.

I've always wanted a sheep.  It's probably no surprise to anyone who knows me that I LOVE sheep.  I think they are the absolutely fantasically MOST adorable things in the whole farming world.  I know they're dumb.  I also (now) know that they stink.  It doesn't matter to me; I still love them unconditionally.  Anyhow, that's the motivation behind the gift I received in the mail one day.  Another important tidbit is that I have and aunt and uncle in Texas and Uncle Doc is a COW doc.  He has absolutely no use whatsoever for sheep.  I'm pretty sure if they all fell off the face of the earth his life would be improved.  Mine however would be desolate...but I digress.  I received this letter in the mail which explained my package.
 If you look very carefully you will see that Doc had used his veterinarian contacts and know how to obtain a "fertilized ovum" to sprout a little lambie if only I would "plant it in some good potting soil about an inch deep and keep the soil slightly moist."  Turns out I knew even less about science than I thought that I did because I thought mammals had live births, but Doc is a doc so I should trust him.  I was a little leery...I'm not going to lie.  I felt like this was some sort of an intelligence test.  If I planted the sheep seed and it didn't grow I failed because everyone knows that sheep have live births.  If I didn't plant it, I failed because Doc knows things about animals that I don't (like, a LIFETIME'S worth more than I do...) and I shoulda trusted him.  If I planted it and it grew, then I still failed because everything I knew about science was wrong.  There was NO way for me to win this intelligence test. 
But...I'm a trusting person.  I believe that if someone tells me that something is for sure true, I should take their word for it.  So.....I got a pot...and tucked my fertilized sheep "product"...
And I waited.  Another thing my precious readers should know about is that I am NOT a very patient person.  But the letter said to wait 7-10 days to have my lambie sprout so I was determined to wait.  And wait... 
I dutifully watered my lamb every other day and wouldn't you just know it!?!  It sprouted!
 Do I look completely disbelieving?  I was VERY surprised at the miracles of modern verterinary medicine!!

Since my lambie was born with a purple ribbon, it was determined that she is in fact a she.  I named her Gertrude and she now lives happily at the office where I can see here every day.  She even has friends!!
I have been greatly enjoying having Gertrude to keep me company at work and she has been greatly enjoying being the first ever sprouted lamb.
Check in tomorrow for further details surrounding the birth (?) of Gertrude!!!


Anonymous said...

Tanya, I compliment you for your faith in your uncle and the ridiculous and unbelievable facts he has told you. 0f course he must be believed because he is a doctor. Others would not have believed him and of course they have no lamb. Maybe he didn't tell you it would be wooden.
Love, Aunt Lois

Anonymous said...

Amazing! A sprouted lamp!