A few weeks ago (October 4-5th) I had the opportunity to participate in the First Annual Quilt Camp (there were a lot of f-words, but I can't remember them all...NO, not those f-words silly...they were food, fun, friends, fabric, and some other ones I can't remember...) Everyone had at least one project they were working on (many had more than one!) I have an almost completed quilt top that I cut and pieced while there, Mom finished an awesome Thomas the Train quilt just in time for Tyler's birthday party, and Kim cut and pieced her quilt in the "Yellow Brick Road" Pattern. 

And on the knitted hat front...Kim knit up the cutest fishbowl hat for Tyler for his birthday. It is knit in blue (his favorite color...) and it was even cold enough for him to need to wear it!
Yesterday, Tyler and I did paper torn crafts(it's the teacher in me)...I was thinking beautiful fall day...
At the Civil War Tyler was feeling...hmmm...less-than-chipper, shall we say?
Come to find out he has/had a virus called Herpangina (which sounds like an std, but I am assured it is different). He had painful sores in his mouth and wasn't interested in eating, drinking, talking, or moving ...he was a big lump on a log for several days. One day I can't home from work to find Tyler and Mom (thank you!) in this position, which apparently they had already been in for several hours...
But he seems to be fully recovered; after 3 days off school, he returned yesterday just in time for his school trip to the pumpkin patch. We will be headed off for adventures in Disney Land tonight and I expect that show up on the blog here one of these months...
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