On Friday night, Doug and Tyler came to the MCC Sale with my dad for us all to have dinner together. While we were in line for food, we ran into one of Tyler's friends from school and karate and his family. I have really enjoyed getting to know his mom over the past few years as we keep running into each other at schools, karate, vacation Bible schools, summer camps, etc. and Tyler enjoys playing with his friend, Josiah, and his younger brother, Elijah. After the kids had finished eating together (translation--Scarfing down their food as quickly and efficiently as possible), they left the table to play together in a big grassy area nearby. I swear, one second there were just the three kids playing and the next second there were 8 kids running around together. THIS was my favorite part. The friends and the carefree memories being made.
I have so many amazing memories from when I was growing up and going to the MCC Sale every year and playing with all my friends that I didn't get to see often. We would have so much freedom to run around and just check in with parents for food tickets or money for books or whatever and running around like crazy people. I even remember one year when my friend, Peter Hasegawa, bought an avocado green toilet to put in his bedroom as a fish bowl. I realize that I do a similar thing at the MCC Sale now, it's just a lot more sedate and there is a lot more discussion on "where are you working now?" "how's your family?" and other "grown up" talk. I will always cherish my carefree childhood MCC Sale memories and am so glad that Tyler is having the opportunity to create some of his own.
Here are the boys coming back to the table after running around for a while. I love how they just casually sling their arms around each other and talk about their time playing.
Tyler, Elijah and Josiah posing together for an MCC Sale wrap picture. Boy were they happy (and exhausted).
One of the other fun things about the MCC Sale is that they have a book sale every year. I feel like God is trying to tell me that He has a plan for me:
(note: As funny as I think it was to find them here, I did NOT buy these books.)